Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21 2014 After Easter Update

Happy Easter Monday!
We had a nice long weekend and got more done around the house. Vic got the front wall primed on one side (the side that you see from the street).She also pressure washed the drive way and carport area-it looks so much better!! We've made some decisions about the plants that we are going to put out front. I was gifted a chocolate cherry tomato plant and made my first earth box and replanted it.
We had our 2nd annual Easter breakfast with Vic's son at Burgundy Square Cafe. I had much better luck this year and kept my egg and bacon down.
The scale has not changed this week..still at 209.
I've had a little more candy this week due to Easter (FAIL). Vic has cooked quite a bit but we did go out a few times for the first time in weeks (Longhorn Monday, Pizza delivered one evening and then Burgundy Square for breakfast)  Other than the pizza, I think we've made wise choices when we did go out. I usually stick to soup because it works. Tonight I'm making chili.

My mom gave me a desk yesterday that I'll be using as a vanity. I'm pretty excited that I'll have a place to store my make up and a place to sit and put it on . I'm so blind that it's hard to use the bathroom mirror because I'm too far away from it. The desk mom gave me is pretty narrow so it will work better for me.

Also last week I tried fried green tomatos for the first time.Probably not the best thing for me, but I had 3..they were delicious! I am not a fan of tomatos but these were very tasty.

I hope that you had a fabulous Easter and this week finds you smiling and happy! xox

Some images from the week..
Fried Green Tomato

Chocolate Cherry Tomato in my new Earth Box 

Easter Basket from my love 
Vic painting the front wall

Freshly pressure washed drive way 

Selfie with my tomato 

Monday, April 14, 2014


Happy Monday!
I don't have a ton to report since my last blog. We've been working around the house getting ready to buy it next month. Vic pressure washed the front yesterday, I cleaned windows and carpeting. Looking forward to planting some flowers and getting our new fence up.

Vic's been cooking more. We've (mostly Vic) stopped buying sweets so there is no "snack" or junk food     in the house. It's worked very well for Vic, I think she's lost over 10 lbs since we started doing this almost two weeks ago. Me on the other hand can't get sugar/candy out of my brain. I've made stops at the drug store just to pick up Milk Duds or M&M's. The scale remains the same for me (209) I was hoping to be back   to 200 the end of Feb and here it is the middle of April. No ones fault but my own.

I've not gone to my WLS doctor in a very long time. I  should call and see what it will cost on my new insurance but I have not wanted to go back until I lost more weight because he's kind of rude when I go in and have gained.

I'm looking forward to a busy summer. I have a girls weekend coming up next month with ladies I've known since childhood. Then my step mother is coming over the 4th of July for a short visit. And let's not forget all of the babies! We have friends or family due in July, August, September and October! 2 girls, 1 boy and 1 still unknown. I am really looking forward to having some little ones in our's been far too long.

This is my attempt at sticking with weekly updates. I hope next week I am full of positive things to say and can be a little more inspirational to you and ME. :)
