Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today I am so thankful that the doctor made me have a flu shot before my surgery! Vic is home sick with the flu. We just got back from the doctor and I guess it is really going around our area.  Since I had the shot, I can't get it , right?

The scales are not moving for me...I need to drink more water for sure. And probably eat more...I do my protein shake in the morning and then nothing again until dinner time. After dinner I'm in snack mode but I am keeping it to cheese, sugar free Popsicles, etc...We had steak on the grill last night..I should have stopped after a few bites but tried to finish the whole thing and of course it was too much food and ended up giving me trouble.I'm still learning on how much is too much and I know it's a no no to eat dinner in front of the tv because I'm not focused on how much I'm eating or how fast I'm eating..ah today is another day.

I've mailed out some of my Christmas cards but not all. I'm still going crazy looking for my dang address book. Knowing me i packed it away with my Christmas stuff last year and it is over in our storage unit...buried! I've put out a few requests on facebook for people to send me their addresses but not many have answered me. I guess I'll wait and send cards after we get them first. lol

I'm off to watch some TV and play nurse to Vic for a while. I hope that you all have a great day...and if you have not done it yet...GO GET YOUR FLU SHOTS!

1 comment:

  1. NO flu shot for me! I got one once and I was so sick that entire winter. I have not had another once since then! I think you have my address, if not, let me know. :)
